Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When keeping it real goes wrong

Upperclassmen boy, to girl: Did you just say what I thought you said?! Did you just say "Bro-bama?"

--January 20 (New A hall)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

But what about Diva?

Upperclassmen girl: I know! Her voice is so awesome!
Upperclassmen boy: Agreed. I totally wasn't into it but then at the end she was all like, "ooOOoooOOOooooOOOOhhhh" and i was like "DAMN!"

--January 16 (Cafeteria)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ground Rules

This is a blog similar to Overheard in New York...except for MHS. You can post conversations, quotes, or other interesting things you might have heard only if:

1) They are real quotes.
2) They do not mention names (no students, no faculty members).
3) They don't reveal any major secrets (ie, "Yea, I'm an outlaw in Mexico") or have any malicious content.
4) You e-mail the quote, the date it was said, and the general location to overheardatmhs@gmail.com

This is meant to be ENTERTAINING. Not HURTFUL.